Friday, February 03, 2006

Last Will & Porn Found In Priest's Rectory

Police have found more information about Father Ryan Erickson in a search of his rectory in Hurley, WI. Police found a significant amount of pornography as well as a last will and testament, in which Erickson denied killing Dan O’Connell and James Ellison in a Hudson, WI, funeral home four years ago. A judge found probable cause that Erickson killed both O’Connell and Ellison before he committed suicide.
Father Ryan Erickson
Erickson begins his will and testament by saying, “All of us are a mixture of angel and devil.” Erickson says in the document, “How do I prove I didn’t kill Dan O’Connell? I can with clear conscious say I did not kill Dan or James.” Investigators are most interested in his next quote. Erickson says, “None of my guns matched, no DNA of mine was found… no one saw me leaving the funeral parlor.” Erickson also alludes to allegations he sexually abused minors.
Erickson writes, “I am extremely tired and disappointed with myself, and of the evils I have too often performed.” He continues, “Why was I so lustful? Why was I wired that way?” Police say the will was re-written after Erickson’s interview with investigators.