Bob Barr Seeks New Coalition
Libertarian Party Presidential candidate Bob Barr says he won't draw votes from likely Republican nominee John McCain. At an appearance Sunday in Houston, Barr, a former U.S. Congressman from Georgia, said he won't play the same role for Senator McCain, R-Ariz., that independent candidate Ralph Nader did for Democratic Party nominee Al Gore in 2000, the Houston Chronicle reported. Some observers say Nader's presence drew just enough liberal votes away from Gore to allow U.S. President George Bush to win that year.
"Somebody willing to vote for a big government Republican like John McCain is not going to switch to a small government candidate like Bob Barr," he told reporters, adding that he'll instead try to put together a bloc comprised of young people and disillusioned voters of all political persuasions. Barr is best known as a former Republican hardliner who helped lead impeachment efforts against then-U.S. President Bill Clinton for lying under oath about sexual improprieties.

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