Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bob Barr, The Candidate You Need To Know

Barr is a famously irascible former Republican, with little name recognition outside his native Georgia. But the decision by America's quirky Libertarian Party to pick Barr as its Presidential candidate means trouble for McCain. Barr famously licked whipped cream off the breasts of two women at a charity event while running for Congress in 1994. Later on he managed Bill Clinton's impeachment. The twice divorced, former four-term congressman returned to the public eye in another smutty episode in "Borat."Now the Republicans would like to write him off as a joke candidate who will not get more than the party's usual 400,000 votes in November, but a surprisingly high number of voters - 10-20% - say they are “libertarians.” The Libertarians have the capacity to ruin things for the Republicans in November; think Ross Perot, who ensured Bill Clinton's election in 1992 and again 1996, splitting the Republican vote and getting 18.9% and 8.4% respectively. Barr expects to do well in Georgia as well as Colorado and other western states where the Libertarians are entrenched. He is worth watching.