Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tancredo Radio Ad Attacks Radical Islam And Multiculturalism

Republican presidential candidate Tom Tancredo is running radio ads in Iowa that hit hard on an array of core conservative issues. In the ad Tancredo says, “Everything we are, everything we have achieved in this nation is at under attack from jihadists abroad and from multiculturalists here at home.” Tancredo takes clear cut positions on both social and fiscal conservative issues. “I will fight to protect the innocent unborn. I will fight to put God back into the schools. I will demand a constitutional amendment to define marriage. I’ll cut taxes and spending secure our borders, enforce our laws, and I will defend our country against radical Islam.” Tancredo also makes the claim that the survival of the nation is at stake."My single issue is the survival of America we have been blessed to inherit". Tancredo did better than expected in the Iowa straw poll this summer by taking fourth place but has not gained any traction since. Tancredo has qualified for federal matching funds and appears to be placing his focus on Iowa where he will likely need a third or fourth plash finish to continue his campaign. Tancredo is arguably the most conservative candidate running and although being overshadowed by the frontrunners he does have a chance to do well in Iowa where social conservatives have done well in the past.