Sunday, November 25, 2007

Romney Calls On Judge To Resign After Graham Killings

Mitt Romney is calling on a judge he appointed to resign after she released without a bail a man now accused of killing a Washington couple. Meanwhile, a rival for the Republican presidential nomination is seizing on the case. Rudy Giuliani says Romney's appointment of Superior Court judge Kathe Tuttman is not an isolated incident. He says there was an increase in murder and violent crime in Massachusetts while Romney was governor.Tuttman released Daniel Tavares Junior without bail in July after prosecutors tried to hold him on a charge of assaulting two prison guards. The assault allegedly came near the end of Tavares' manslaughter sentence for killing his mother. Tavares fled to Washington state and is now charged with killing Brian and Beverly Mauck last week. Romney says Tuttman showed such poor judgment in the case that she should resign.