Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ron Paul Supports Health Freedom

With the FDA complying with standards set by CODEX, NAFTA and CAFTA, greater control over what we Americans use to care for our health is being effected. Supplements, vitamins and alternative medicine such as acupuncture are all being closely monitored and have the possibility of being removed and or controlled by the government. They would have the say so as to if you can or cannot take your multi-vitamin. U.S House Representative Ron Paul is a national leader in preserving health freedom. He supports the Health Freedom Protection Act that entitles the American people to truthful health information. The FDA has let the American people down by allowing the use of fatal drugs and foods that have caused illness and even death. Ron Paul also supports the Medical Treatment Act for the use of alternative methods.For many Americans seeking relief from illnesses and injuries, alternative medicine often brings side effect free relief unlike the medications and treatments that have been approved by the FDA that do the opposite. Ron Paul opposes the FDA legal power and he opposes the forced vaccinations of the government. The government would prefer to force the American people to vaccinations for small pox and other disease. This would infact take away rights of those Americans that choose to refrain from vaccination due to religious beliefs. Currently Ron Paul has a rating of 1% on the USA Today/ Gallup Polls found at Ron Paul supports the American people and their rights to choose how they care for there personal health. Our country was built on freedom and Ron Paul wants to keep it that way.